Qumu: Why Implementation Matters in the Distribution of Video Content

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Geoffrey Lee

Today, technology is growing and expanding at an exponential pace. The ways that we consume online media are continually evolving, and for brands, it’s essential to keep pace. Your business is always looking for the most effective ways to broadcast your message to your audience of potential clients or consumers, but yesterday’s media channels won’t necessarily be effective going forward. Nowadays, it’s essential to leverage multiple types of media to reach as many people as you can as effectively as possible.

It’s not true at all that people no longer read—far from it. But even though content is king, today’s content reaches across a variety of multimedia channels. Articles and case studies are just the beginning: there are also infographics, slideshow presentations, podcasts, and most importantly, video. Today, over 65% of businesses are using video as a major component of their content marketing strategy. No matter what industry you’re in, whether your marketing is B2B or B2C, video should definitely be incorporated into your marketing plan as well as in your internal communications with your employees. But just having business video content isn’t enough—the implementation matters.

Implementation Matters

All video content isn’t created—or promoted—equally. It can be sloppy or it can be done incredibly well. If you just put a video up on YouTube and embed it in your page, this is sloppy. It doesn’t give you any significant insight into how well your video is performing. You need real structure and a real strategy behind your video efforts, because the right implementation can bring substantial improvements in your overall results. Whether you’re creating promotional videos aimed at consumers or making internal video content for your employees, the right implementation can make or break your ability to reach those audiences effectively.

Understanding your audience is the first step towards effective video strategy implementation. The average internet user watches about 206 videos per month. Will yours be among them? If you’re making videos aimed at consumers, you need to stand out in a crowded online content landscape. People are 39% more likely to share a video if the content is bold and engaging. No matter what industry you’re in, you need to make a statement that turns heads.

Appealing to people through video is also different from appealing to them with text. Video uses different cognitive processes than reading, and people watching a video absorb information differently. You also want to take note of where your videos are going to reach the most people. Videos meant for employees are pretty straightforward to distribute, but what about content marketing? YouTube, Facebook, and your own website are all places where your videos can be accessed, but what’s most effective will depend on where your target audience spends their time.

Why You Need a Good Implementation Structure

If your business video content isn’t distributed well, it can reflect poorly on your company. In the case of employee training videos, you need to create a seamless user experience that makes it easy for employees to access and view the materials they need. Otherwise, they’ll get frustrated because they can’t find something or because the video player is lagging and the video quality is poor. A strong video platform can ensure good playback, which makes it more likely that employees will retain the information they are supposed to learn.

To ensure high quality video delivery, you’ll need the right infrastructure. Your networks need to be able to support high quality streaming. Many companies use a separate enterprise content delivery network (ECDN) for internal purposes, which reduces the cost of implementation and mitigates bandwidth issues while ensuring high-quality video.

The Power of Customization: How Qumu Takes Enterprise Video to the Next Level

Implementation is a huge part of your enterprise video endeavor, but customization is also important. Customizing your platform adds a veneer of professionalism that can subtly boost your new employees’ confidence in your organization. When your training process is visually pleasing, easy to navigate, and unfalteringly professional looking, employees will retain information and (in many cases) become more likely to put their best effort into their job.

Qumu offers quite a few features for easy, fully customizable video creation.

  • Video capture. You can capture video for business with any device, from tablet webcams to formal studios with high-end video camera equipment.
  • Editing. Trim video content, rearrange it into chapters, and add pre- and post-roll segments easily.
  • Live broadcasting. Engage in live webcasts and Q&A sessions from anywhere.
  • Templates. Qumu offers a selection of slick professional presentation templates to help you enhance your video with multimedia features.
  • Content ingestion. You can upload videos in bulk, synchronize slides, and attach rich content files.
  • Quick capture. Qumu makes it simple to record from your webcam or use your computer’s screen capture function, providing a user-friendly recording feature that’s easy to use on the go.

Qumu allows for integration with a variety of platforms, including Sharepoint, Salesforce, WordPress, Jive, Google Enterprise Search, IBM Connections, and Websphere 8. The future is bringing an increasingly connected yet geographically disparate workplace, and Qumu is prepared for that future with a suite of integration options.

Information Security

Your choice of video platform should be based on more than just making it easy for employees to see training videos. Whether or not you’re looking for a fully customizable enterprise video platform, security is paramount. Confidential information shared between managers and employees should always be kept secret, as should details about employment that are contained in staff training videos. A properly implemented enterprise video solution should incorporate high level security features that restrict who can view and access the files. This can also help you pinpoint the source of any information breaches, since only certain people are able to view the videos firsthand.

Customer Relationship Management: Implementing Video for Clients

If you’re using webcasting and shared video as a way to reach out and connect with potential clients, live video is the way to go. It’s much easier to address the immediate needs and desires of your customers with live video streaming than with pre-written and pre-recorded content. With a secured enterprise video platform, you can broadcast client-focused content easily and securely.

Video analytics are also very useful in gauging how your videos play into your customer relationship management efforts. You can see how much of your video was viewed and when people started to fade out or lose interest. These insights can guide your future video creation, helping you gradually optimize over time for maximum engagement. There are also technical concerns, of course. You need a platform where your audience can easily find and watch any video on demand without any problems with streaming speed or video quality. The right implementation with the right enterprise video platform can transform your brand’s videos into a key way to attract and retain lucrative clients.

Qumu offers a suite of reporting tools and audit trails to give you this insight. Combined with features like live Q&A, polling, and audience participation, it allows you to easily gain impressive understanding of how your video content is consumed.

Viewer Engagement: Communication Keeps People Interested

Qumu offers video and live webcasts, but that’s not all the platform does. It also allows you to communicate directly with clients or employees, thanks to polls and other features that let them give input in real time. Qumu can display poll results during live webcasts, further engaging your audience and allowing you to start a meaningful discussion. You can also open the floor for two-way discussion, further drawing in your audience and keeping them engaged through ongoing interaction.

With Qumu, all of this happens over an uninterrupted high-quality video broadcast that anyone can view, including remote workers and colleagues who are currently traveling on business. Remote video streaming is a great way to conduct productive meetings when teams are separated by geographic distance.

Increasing the Value of Your Video Content

Qumu also allows you to archive video, keeping it easily accessible for future reference and posterity. If any key employees or clients weren’t able to make it to the original webcast, they can simply view the video recording later. This keeps the floor open for future discussions and prevents anyone from being left out of the loop because they missed a key meeting.

With Qumu’s SpeedSearch function, your employees can even search through the audio tracks of any video on the platform. This makes it easier than ever to bring up relevant videos from the past and get the information they need to make key decisions.

Pulatech Connects You with Qumu

At PulaTech, we help businesses perfect their website and network architecture to improve efficiency and drive your bottom line. We connect businesses of all sizes with improved application development, web development, content management, media services, and more.  We’re proud to announce that we’ve recently become an official preferred integration partner with Qumu. By partnering with this global leader in enterprise video implementation solutions, we can provide our clients with superior internal and promotional video and livestreaming solutions. Together, we’re helping companies stay connected in an increasingly global world.

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