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Enterprise Application Integrations

Enterprise integration is use of technologies and services across an enterprise to enable the integration of software applications and hardware systems.

Enterprise Integrations

With PulaTech, integration becomes a simplified process, allowing you to easily combine applications, services, systems and databases across your enterprise.

Call us to get started :+1-612-444-3185

Our Offerings:

Enterprise integration boosts productivity and enables better decision making by offering accurate information when you need it. 

Enterprise Integration Solutions

The modern world of business IT is vast and complex.  Most companies are running dozens of custom and off-the-shelf software packages – and if these programs are unable to communicate with each other, your business could suffer from decreased business agility and inefficient business processes.

Enterprise integrations from PulaTech can help you prevent this! Using advanced informatics techniques and custom application layers, we can connect your ERP platforms, CRM systems, BI programs, and databases – allowing for full data parity and connectivity that can help you make better business decisions.

Stay Connected

With secure integration and controlled API access, you control the accessibility to your data – wherever and whenever you need it!

Easy & Low-Impact

PulaTech specializes in integrating business platforms with minimal downtime and interruption. We can create new connections in hours – not days – and we’ll make the changes we need with minimal impact on your business systems or consumer-facing applications.


Our approach to enterprise integration is inherently future-minded. We craft custom connections and use existing APIs to create modern, powerful data-architecture out of your existing IT infrastructure and assets.

Business Connectivity Is More Complex Than Ever

To retain business agility in a world of mobile, API, and SaaS, Enterprise Integration is crucial.

Enterprise Integration Challenges

Your expensive, powerful IT systems are useless to you if their data is “siloed” and can’t be accessed at-will. That’s why enterprise integrations are so critical – but even with advances in modern technology, integrating your software is more difficult than ever.

 Most companies use a wide variety of cloud-based, SaaS software alongside on-site platforms and custom software. When these systems can’t communicate with each other, businesses suffer from decreased efficiency – but the complexities of enterprise integration are usually beyond the reach of your everyday IT staff.

Enterprise Integration Solutions

With PulaTech, integration becomes a simplified process, allowing you to easily unify and interconnect applications, services, systems and databases across your enterprise. 

However, by using custom software and any built-in APIs present in your enterprise software, PulaTech can help you connect your most important systems – enhancing your ability to get valuable insights that can inform your business.

From legacy software to modern, cloud-based SaaS platforms, our team can help you revitalize your IT systems, and connect all of your mission-critical systems – turning your information into insights.

Enterprise Integration quick overview watch video:


Enterprise integration boosts productivity and enables better decision making by offering accurate information when you need it. 

So contact us today for a no-commitment quote! We’d be happy to discuss your needs, and how PulaTech can help your business benefit from enhanced data parity and accessibility!

Our Offering

Cloud Integration

Most enterprises are adopting a cloud-first policy and are heavily investing in SaaS applications, private cloud, public cloud and are playing at the intersection of the hybrid cloud. The increased use of cloud application and services generated new, complex business models that needed global integration networks to support such unprecedented cloud adoption under a single entity.

AWS Integration

As enterprises are shifting towards cloud based services, integration with popular cloud computing platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) leaves you with considerable business benefits.

PulaTech’s AWS cloud integration services offers extensive AWS management capabilities where multiple users irrespective of their geographical location can seamlessly request, track and perform bulk actions on groups of servers or accounts in real-time.

B2B Integration

One of the biggest concerns that traditional companies face is the quality of inter-company communication that affect the movement of documents such as purchase orders and invoices. The increased number of trading partners in a larger global trading community landscape only led to further complication. The need of the hour is not only immediate business data exchange but a scalable and agile solution that can respond in real-time to growing business demands and support new communication protocols in line with changing regulatory mandates.

API Integration

Cloud services, mobile apps, analytical tools and other embedded devices including wearables have become imperative in the evolving business scenario. But it’s futile if these systems work disparately. There has to be a communication gateway for these objects to interact with each other.

We build such communication gateways through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and manage them across their lifecycle. We leverage the rich API economy for integrations while securing communication and accelerating outreach across digital channels.

Next Generation SOA

Cutting-edge, Software Oriented Architecture

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and APIs are a match made in heaven! Together, a modern focus on SOA and APIs can provide businesses with advanced, impactful enterprise integrations.

 PulaTech combine these two technologies and promise to revolutionize the entire world of IT infrastructure. From cloud services to big data analytics, mobile computing, and even IoT technologies.


Legacy System Modernization

Align Your Legacy Systems With Modern Technology

Replacing systems such as IBM legacy databases and applications can be time-consuming and expensive – especially if you’ve been using this system for years.

PulaTech provides a solution! Using our incremental approach to application consolidation, we can help you modernize and replace your legacy systems with minimal downtime! With a focus on Service Oriented Architecture and current integration patterns, our enterprise integrations for legacy systems are second-to-none!

Salesforce Integration

Upgrade your CRM services!

For nearly a decade, PulaTech has been providing consulting, development, and integration services for Salesforce integrations. With fast turnaround times and a deep knowledge of Salesforce APIs, we deliver exceptional projects to all of our Salesforce customers.

 Whether you need to revitalize your cloud systems, integrate a custom application with your Salesforce installation, or simply require basic Salesforce customization, PulaTech is the #1 worldwide choice for Salesforce integration!


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